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: Suono
: Neu
: Broadcast FM-Studio-Senderverbindung
: Suono TSL Aural FM 1500 2500 MHz Sendung Audio Wireless Link
fm STL Sendung 1,5 - 2,5 GHz Aural Link
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Product Discription:
Transmit your program, events, parties and much more with the new Suono TSL Aural
The 1.5-2.5GHz link series is a complete system for those who need to transmit audio from studio to the remotely located transmitter (usually mountain top). The Hi-Fi VCO present in the link guarantees an incredible audio quality - punch and clarity. The system can be connected to 110/220V AC line. Transmitter is equipped with XLR audio inputs, 2 MPX inputs (MPX and SCA) and 19KHz pilot sync output for RDS encoders. Transmitters offer up to 5W of clean adjustable power. Receivers have MPX output and 3 XLR connectors (1x mono output + left/right channel). They are equipped with 2 cavity filters with high gain RF cells.
Technical Facts:
When ordering specify required frequency band (write that under comments).
At this time links cover 1500-2500MHz. For example 1500-1520MHz.
Exact frequency inside this 20MHz segment can be selected via LCD display.