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: Spottune
: Omni-C-W
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: Spottune
: Spottune Omni Cordweiß
Merkmale des Spottune OMNI CORD weiß-Lautsprechers
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Our Spottune Omni Cordweiß speaker acoustic design is specially made for retail and areas where people move around, its formed with a clean simple cylindrical form, designed as a system to blend into any existing light installation and is having an auditory sound experience, synchronized and clear all around the room.
A novel, patented omnidirectional acoustics design, produces widespread sound with even coverage. Engineered to achieve immersive room filling sound with fewer speakers.
Audio frequency range 50-15000Hz
~50W digital class D amplifiers Max SPL 100dB
Wireless Features
Audio-BroadCasting-Digital – Technology
RF-Band 1,8 – 1,9 GHz
Range up to 50-100m (Condition dependent)
Diameter: 115 mm
Height: 200 mm
1,5 Kg
Standby power consumption
1,74W (Limitation 2W)
O1-T-W | O1-T-B | O1-T-G