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3-Element-LPFM-YAGI-UKW-Antenna The low price and the no-tune operation make this YAGI directional antenna (radiates the largest part of the signal forward and backward) a good help for sending with low power
Vertical Polarization 3 elements FM Yagi Antennas with 5dbd gain, wide band FM antennas are particularly recommended for directional medium Output Power Transmitters. It's robustness makes it ideal for any climatic condition, all the models are made of stainless steel with PTFE insulator. All the metal parts are electrically grounded. This antenna is also produced in the TV VHF, DAB and amateur versions
Label italy spare elements for 5 elements antenna
Vertical Polarization 5 - 8 elements FM Log Antennas with 6-7.5dbd gain, FM Log antennas 5 and 8 elements, wide band, entirely made of aluminum and stainless steel screws, they are light and completely demountable. All the metal parts are electrically grounded, they have a diagram of radiation without secondary lobes.The 5 elements model is often used in reception for re-Broadcast FM.