FM Stereo Encoders

  • FM Stereo Encoders - DMR-Electronics

Discover the best products - FM Stereo Encoders

  • € 914,99 Delivery time 5 - 15 working days

    Suono Stereo encoder DSS300 Left/Right Stereo Separation: > 75dB, 80dB Typ. Mono to Stereo Separation: >80 dB, 90 dB Typ. [Audio IN= AES/EBU], >55 dB [ Analog Audio] Audio Distortion (20KHz Bandwith): <0.0025% ,0.0012% Typ. [AES/EBU], <0.005% [Analog Inputs]

    € 914,99
    Delivery time 5 - 15 working days
  • € 179,99 In Stock

    Stereo encoder series with record-breaking 114x oversampling

    € 179,99
    In Stock
  • € 534,99 In Stock

    15 Watt and 50 Watt Packages come with exciter, stereo encoder and sometimes also RDS and IO board. All these boards are wired together and tested so teoretically all you need to do is connect antenna and apply supply power

    € 534,99
    In Stock
  • € 304,99 In Stock

    SE8000 stereo encoder with record-breaking 114x oversampling SE8000 series stereo encoders feature a number of big enhancements and raise the bar considerably for stereo separation and audio excellence. The amazing sonic purity and clarity are sure to impress you. The new MPX multiplexer circuit is 114x oversampled and gives better stereo separation than anything else in its price range. Additional digital audio input completely eliminates any ground-loop problems. The new SE8000 series stereo encoder is an improved SE5000 DSP+ design.  

    € 304,99
    In Stock
  • € 539,99 In Stock

    CyberMax-8000+ DSP stereo processor with LCD display excellent stereo separation with 114x oversampling  SE8000 DSP+ with built-in compressor, limiter, balanced inputs, sharp 19KHz stereo carrier notch filter, pre-emphasis, LC input filters and ESD protected inputs which all help to bring out the best sound

    € 539,99
    In Stock
  • € 654,99 In Stock

    CyberMax-8000+ DSP stereo and RDS encoder with LCD display - new RDS features CyberMax8000+ DSP/RDS stereo encoder offers excellent stereo separation with 114x oversampling, RDS and DSP

    € 654,99
    In Stock
      Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items