Studio Telephone Hybrids

  • Studio Telephone Hybrids - DMR-Electronics

Discover the best products - Studio Telephone Hybrids

  • € 294,99 In Stock

    D&R TELEPHONE HYBRID-1 ist eine Schnittstelle zwischen einer Standard-Telefonleitung und einem Mischpult

    € 294,99
    In Stock
  • € 584,99 In Stock

    D&R Telephone Hybrid-2 active 19 inch unit is an analog unit with digital control and features like ducking making intelligibility a lot better in broadcast

    € 584,99
    In Stock
  • € 939,99 In Stock

    Available Now With the D&R GSM Hybrid you can add a simple and effective wireless interface that your reporters can call. With features like HD voice, Echo cancelling, digital EQ and application control over USB on your PC it is a nice tool to expand the communication possibilities of your studio with your reporters in the field.

    € 939,99
    In Stock
      Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items

Subcategories - Studio Telephone Hybrids